It’s either day one or one day

I am truly passionate about helping women get started on their fitness journey to build confidence and strength without sacrificing the things they love.


Sign up for my coaching here




I loved the fitness plan that Lauren created for me. I had recently broken my ankle and needed a workout that was low impact and also worked with my crazy schedule and it was just that. The best part about the plan was it was created to fit my specific needs. At that time I had a small gym with minimal equipment yet, Lauren was still able to build workouts with what I had. Also, if there was any workouts that didn't feel comfortable or I just didn't like, Lauren would respond to me quickly with a solution to my issue and a workout to fit in the place of the old one. By the end of the program I felt so strong and incredibly motivated to continue my health and fitness journey.


Girl!!!! I’m down 10 lbs, I’m the lightest I’ve been since the start of the pandemic. I’m feeling great! Pain is at a minimal!!! Woot woot!!!! Thanks for the program!!


It was cool learning new exercises and it's been so helpful walking into the gym with a plan. The warm ups were helpful too I wasn't as sore as I normally would've been the day after.

"Girl ahhhhh im so happy!!"

I bought some jeans I been eyeing for so long but never purchase them because I was so insecure about my body and I purchase them and put them on and my confidence went up by just seeing how my body has changed in a matter of 3-4 weeks and that's all thanks to you for pushing me and helping me out.

"...appreciate your feedback and video coaching"

I wanted to get back to you about my weekly check in and just appreciate your feedback and video coaching bc I don't think I've been ever able to have so much more confidence in myself in such a short time. I cannot wait to use exercise as an outlet today

"You inspire me everyday"

I'm genuinely amazed at how kind and compassionate you are. When I first signed up for having a personal trainer I never expected it. You inspire me everyday and affirmation has helped me make choices that will make me fell good tomorrow! I've eaten great today while staying within my macro range and I'm currently at the gym about to get into my workout!

"This has been a life changer"

Thank you!! I'm really happy I stumbled onto your page on Instagram! This has been a life changer for me!! My skin has gotten more clear, my bloating is basically non existent, I feel so much better and stronger. I also feel more and more like myself every day. My husband is also a huge support for me and he's noticed all the changes I have! It hasn't even been a full month and all these changes have been so noticeable in every for me. What you do is so good and I'm so grateful to be doing this!! Thank you for what you do and for being so amazing at this


The workouts have been pushing me to work harder especially the elevated dumbbell goblet squats and the shoulder press those are a killer


I loved the fitness plan that Lauren created for me. I had recently broken my ankle and needed a workout that was low impact and also worked with my crazy schedule and it was just that. The best part about the plan was it was created to fit my specific needs. At that time I had a small gym with minimal equipment yet, Lauren was still able to build workouts with what I had. Also, if there was any workouts that didn't feel comfortable or I just didn't like, Lauren would respond to me quickly with a solution to my issue and a workout to fit in the place of the old one. By the end of the program I felt so strong and incredibly motivated to continue my health and fitness journey.


It was cool learning new exercises and it's been so helpful walking into the gym with a plan. The warm ups were helpful too I wasn't as sore as I normally would've been the day after.

"...appreciate your feedback and video coaching"

I wanted to get back to you about my weekly check in and just appreciate your feedback and video coaching bc I don't think I've been ever able to have so much more confidence in myself in such a short time. I cannot wait to use exercise as an outlet today

"This has been a life changer"

Thank you!! I'm really happy I stumbled onto your page on Instagram! This has been a life changer for me!! My skin has gotten more clear, my bloating is basically non existent, I feel so much better and stronger. I also feel more and more like myself every day. My husband is also a huge support for me and he's noticed all the changes I have! It hasn't even been a full month and all these changes have been so noticeable in every for me. What you do is so good and I'm so grateful to be doing this!! Thank you for what you do and for being so amazing at this


Girl!!!! I’m down 10 lbs, I’m the lightest I’ve been since the start of the pandemic. I’m feeling great! Pain is at a minimal!!! Woot woot!!!! Thanks for the program!!

"Girl ahhhhh im so happy!!"

I bought some jeans I been eyeing for so long but never purchase them because I was so insecure about my body and I purchase them and put them on and my confidence went up by just seeing how my body has changed in a matter of 3-4 weeks and that's all thanks to you for pushing me and helping me out.

"You inspire me everyday"

I'm genuinely amazed at how kind and compassionate you are. When I first signed up for having a personal trainer I never expected it. You inspire me everyday and affirmation has helped me make choices that will make me fell good tomorrow! I've eaten great today while staying within my macro range and I'm currently at the gym about to get into my workout!


The workouts have been pushing me to work harder especially the elevated dumbbell goblet squats and the shoulder press those are a killer


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Customized workout plans
Delicious meal recipes & nutrition planning
Daily Habit tracking
Weekly check-ins through the app


Whenever you wear this, let it serve as a reminder to strive to become the best version of yourself, inside and outside of the gym.

DO IT for YOU and YOU only. Practice makes progress, every day you are working to achieve your goals. Promise that you will never settle for less than you deserve.

GO make your damn self proud! And while you're at it, keep your squats low and your standards high.



Hey! I’m Lauren. I am an online personal trainer certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine who is passionate about fitness and mindset growth. I started my fitness journey in 2017 because I struggled with my body image and mental health.

As I’ve navigated my personal journey with fitness, I’ve noticed there are so many misconceptions in the fitness industry which makes it difficult to know who to trust. Fitness has not only transformed my mindset, but also my body and overall health. That is why I help my clients reach their goals in a sustainable way that lasts and makes you feel good inside and out.

I started my page to hold myself accountable and track my progress, but it has turned into the most supportive community and I’ve fallen in love with it. I’m passionate about helping others reach their goals while building healthy habits and without restricting the things they love.


Personalized workout routines delivered via the app.